You Chose Fashion

Hi! I found this video last week before the long weekend and wanted to upload it but I really do take “vacation” time seriously. I didn’t really take blog pictures or anything… I was just hanging out. So, about this video. I’m not a big designer name kind of person, I mostly just go with what I like and the brand is really of non-importance. When I started my boutique and then my blog I found myself learning more and more about fashion. I always knew fashion was a big industry but I never understood how vast it really is. The fashion industry is a tough one but it also one with a lot of opportunities. The truth is, if you stick to what you believe in, there will be someone somewhere in the world that agrees with you and woohoo there is your niche market. Notice, I said: someone somewhere in the world which means its difficult; it can be years until that someone find you but the important thing is that the possibility is there. Anyway, I found Rebecca Minkoff, read her story, looked at her page, saw her products, stalked her on social media and I must say she is one of my inspirations. I haven’t met her yet but I’m sure that she is just as amazing as she looks and sounds. I hope you watch this video and I hope it inspires you. Being in the fashion industry is tough but just the fact that you chose Fashion as your career, as your bread-winner makes you… tougher.

 Hola! Encontre este video la semana pasada pero con todo lo del feriado la verdad es que no pude subirlo al blog. Creo que me tomo el termino “feriado” muy enserio jajaja. Entonces, sobre el video. Yo no soy una persona que le da mucha importancia a las marcas, normalmente compro lo que me gusta y se me ve bien sin importar la marca. Cuando abri mi tienda y mi blog comenze a meterme mas en el mundo de la moda y me comenze a dar cuenta que la industria de la moda es muchisimo mas grande de lo que me imaginaba. La industria de la moda es muy dificil, pero tambien es cierto que es una industria con muchas oportunidades. La verdad es que si sigues tus gustos y pasiones habra alguien en alguna parte del mundo que coincida contigo; ojo que digo “alguien en alguna parte del mundo” lo cual quiere decir que no sera facil pero con paciencia todo puede suceder. Lo importante es que existen las posibilidades. Durante mis primeros meses siendo parte de la industria de la moda, Rebecca Minkoff fue unas de las personas que mas me gusto. Lei su historia, vi su pagina web, vi sus productos y la segui en todas las redes sociales. Me encanta y es una de mis inspiraciones. No la conosco pero estoy segura que sera igual si no mas increible de lo que se escucha y se ve. Espero que vean este video (perdon que no este en espanol :/)y espero que las inspire. Ser parte de la industria de la moda es duro pero el hecho que hayan escogido esta industria como su carrera profesional, las hace.. muchisimo mas fuertes.


5 thoughts on “You Chose Fashion

  1. Thanks for sharing this video! As someone who studied fashion in college and chose this industry, it's incredibly inspiring to hear these words of wisdom from women who have paved the way. I also clicked on a Man Repeller video that cam up at the end of this one, which i recommend watching too, it's pretty captivating!


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