On Days Like This…

androbel, palm trees, florida, beautiful, nature, mornings, breakfast

Hello! Happy Monday!

I’m thinking everyone is having a great Monday since it’s a holiday! haha I will be doing some work but also enjoying the day with a family bbq 🙂

These pictures are from Friday. The day was beautiful and I made some yummy oatmeal (brown sugar + maple syrup) with peach and kiwi. I normally eat oatmeal with peach because I like how sweet it tastes but I had some kiwi at home and decided to add it this time; it turned out to taste really delicious since the kiwi brings some tropical flavor to it. Very refreshing!

androbel, palm trees, florida, beautiful, nature, mornings, breakfast, oatmeal, peach, kiwi, health, fitness


Es lunes pero es un dia feriado aqui en USA entonces supongo que casi todos estan teniendo un suuuper lunes! Yo voy a trabaja un poquito y disfrutar de un bbq en familia.

Estas fotos son del Viernes, el dia estaba super lindo y hice una avena super rica. La avena tiene azucar morena y miel. Casi siempre como mi avena con durazno pero estaba vez le anadi kiwi. No sabia como iba a quedar pero me encanto la verdad porque el kiwi tiene un sabor como tropical que es super refrescante.

androbel, palm trees, florida, beautiful, nature, mornings, breakfast, oatmeal, peach, kiwi, health, fitness

How do you take your Oatmeal?

Como preparan su Avena?

Xo, Belen

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