What I wore

lucky, cobalt, cobalt blue, blue, skinny jeans, skinnies, tribal, tribal print, outfit, what i wore, boutique, miami fashion

Good Morning and Happy Monday!

Hope everyone had a great weekend; I did ๐Ÿ™‚ I had class Friday and Saturday so I’m a little tired but it was still fun! Some of my family came into town and tonight my cousin arrives, so this will be a crazy week too. I kind of like crazy. It keeps me moving. Keeps me focused.

Last Thursday, we attended a networking event and met some cool people from the Miami area. All very young and creative ๐Ÿ™‚ I posted a picture on my instagram about a little painting that was gifted to me; that’s the kind of creative I’m talking about. Cardboard, paint and a brush. Pretty cool! ย This is what I wore:


Holaa! Buenos Dias!

Espero que todos hayan tenido un buen fin de semana. Yo tuve clases el Viernes y Sabado pero igual fue super divertido aunque estoy un poco cansada hoy! Ayer llegaron mis tios a la casa y hoy viene mi prima entonces esta semana tambien sera un poco loca jajaja pero en verdad me gusta loca. Me hace organizarme mejor.

El Jueves, fuimos a un evento de networking y conocimos a gente muy creativa ๐Ÿ™‚ En mi instagram puse una foto de un mini cuadro; carton, pintura y un pincel es lo unico que necesita alguna gente para ser super creativos. Super cool! Este fue mi look ๐Ÿ™‚

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How cool are the walls? They matched with my pants so, I just had to take pictures there!

Pants: here ย  Blouse: here ย Sandals: Mom’s closet ย  Purse: Michael Kors

This button down is super comfy and I love the little tribal accents it has but, it’s a little sheer so I wear a nude tank top underneath ๐Ÿ™‚

Xo, Belen

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